Sunday, September 24, 2006

One more week

...until our lives are altered. One more week until Ian starts working the 12 hour shifts and I start my new part time job. One week until we see how rough it's going to be trying to get Aidan (and me for that matter) onto a more "normal" schedule. Is Ian nervous? He says no. I am I nervous? Good grief YES! Can we make this work? We're sure going to give it one heck of a try! We're going to need tons (and tons and tons and....) of patience on my part (which for those of you who know me know I'm not patient) since I'll be spending more time with the little man (which I'm thrilled about and scared about, because Daddy is his preferred parent), I'll be the one dealing with the meltdowns and having to make sure he doesn't make to much noise while daddy is trying to sleep. This is so going to put a whole new spin on being a mommy for me. Lets hope I'm up to the challenge.

1 comment:

Laurie Shea said...

You'll be fine. After awhile it is a piece of cake. Plus it feels great when you get to spend time with the them and also feels great then when it is time for them to start school.