Well let's start off with another recent pic of the little man of the house. Doesn't he look super tall in this picture? and seriously he almost looks to thin, if it weren't for the fact that I know he eats..non-stop...all day...I'd think we weren't feeding the boy, lol.
On another note I'm gearing up for WalkAmerica tomorrow morning. I must be really devoted to be getting up at 5:30 in the morning to get downtown and register and then walk 10k ( if you didn't know that's 6.2 miles). I mean really I'm usually just rolling over at that time. Bed time for me lately has been about 3 am. Anyway enough lighthearted complaining. I've done this walk 7 out of the last 11 years. So this is a pretty regular event for me. It's an excellant cause, helping fight prematurity, and find ways to improve the odds for babies that are born premature. If you are so inclined you can still sponsor me for my walk, the link is here http://www.walkamerica.org/bonnie76 you can make a donation using a credit card through their secure site or you could even pay using paypal. My personal goal for this year is $300 and I'm a little over halfway there. Thanks Mom, Thanks Tom and Jen! (don't forget this is tax deductable, print out the email that it sends you thanking you for you donation and save it for tax time next year; every little bit helps right?)
Aunt Linda I'm not sure if you usually read this (Jen maybe you can send her over) but I wanted to thank you for helping Grandma scan in those pictures that I needed, I sent out the link to view the page that I made with them this morning. I couldn't have done it without you! Also are you planning on sending me anymore pictures for Tom's page and your page?
Jen thanks for all the help on your end on getting those pictures to me too, it's so much easier if someone can nag (ahem...I mean politely inquire repeatedly) in person! You're awesome!
Can hardly wait to see you all in July! (it'll never get here soon enough and then it'll be over before we know it); oh how we live for summer vacation!
Mom and Dad in case we're boneheaded and forget Happy Anniversary (a couple of days early). We love you and miss you guys so much.
1 comment:
OMG! I am shocked at how much he has changed since your last pictures, and since I've known you. WHAT A HANDSOME LITTLE MAN!!!! Better get the sticks handy now; you'll be needing them to fight off the girls soon!
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