So much going on around here (or at least it seems that way to my frazzled self!)
My last real post I was sick with a sinus infection, for the most part it is gone, but I've got a sneaking suspicion that it trying to come back.
With the coming fall weather my little guy's nose bleeds are a little more frequent again.
Our van died. it is no more. it's not resting. it's not pining for the fjords! this van is deceased! (that's a little Monty Python humor for my darling hubby) The repairs that it was going to need this time were just to much for us. So I had it towed away this morning. That leaves us with one vehicle. We've put a lot of thought it to and I've given my two weeks notice at work (although they've offered to let me be a casual employee- which I have to give some more thought to and talk it over with Ian). Between the cost of fuel, the amount I end up spending there (because lets face it I'm WEAK and I just love scrappy stuff) and the amount I actually bring home, we're going to be better off with me not working. Plus we'll be saving money on our insurance since we've gotten rid of the van.
This will leave more time for straightening things out here at home, making this house into an actual HOME -since we don't know when we'll be able to move. It's time to make the most of what we have.
I'm looking forward to being able to get to know my little boy better and hopefully work on some of his aggressive-ness. I want to start home schooling him now, haven't had time before (not that this means he's behind, because he would have missed the cut off for kindergarten this year anyway).
I'm hoping I'll be able to cook more, and bake more, and scrap more. I need to learn a bit more about what's going to make us all happier. I have a feeling a happier momma will make a happier daddy and Aidan too.
As much as I've loved this job, it's been super stressful too. Which I honestly didn't expect. I've been working more days then I wanted to though and haven't had the time that I thought going to part time was going to get me. SO big changes are on the horizon.
We're taking the little man to his first concert tonight. Weird Al is coming through again and we managed to get tickets. He's been bouncing about for days he's so excited! Sadly though this venue doesn't allow cameras. So I'll take a picture of the boys in their Weird Al shirts and do a page with that and the tickets.
More to come soon!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Pole Dance?
I'm a little under the weather, so I thought I'd just post a little something so ya'll would know I was still here. My friend Ashley had this on her blog and I just had to share it. This just amuses me to no end.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Viewmaster Bench

Template-Pattie Knox (ADFreebie 020407) Papers and Prongs-LaWanna DesJardin’s Spring Fling Swirls and stitching -LaWanna DesJardin’s Retro Funk
JenniferMTrippetti_SweetiePea_Stamps(Date) Font Jester
Saturday, September 08, 2007
What Love Is
Twister Bench LO

Picture is of me and my little guy enjoying the art benches on Oak Park Ave. The theme for this years benches was Toyland. The one we're sitting on in the picture is a "Twister" one.
I used Template 21 by Lindsay Jane Designs, made some minor changes to it to suit my page.
I used Template 21 by Lindsay Jane Designs, made some minor changes to it to suit my page.
I used LaWanna DesJardin's awesome kit Oopsy Daisy.
Fonts used are Celtic, CK Print, and Boulder.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Adoption Day LO

This is a page done for the challenge posted here. Journaling around the page reads: Funny story about that day: Before the judge sat down, he told me "What a pretty dress you're wearing." I apparently told him his dress was pretty, too!
This page is what inspired me. I keep seeing these clean and simple styled pages, and think how stunning they are.
I used Bubba Boy Freebie by ksharonkdesigns.
The alpha for the title is by Laura Deacetis and is called "In My Backpack Alpha II".
The font used is Jester
Monday, September 03, 2007
Where oh Where did the rest of August go?

Cripes that flew right on by didn't it? I mean I haven't posted in like 2 weeks! I've just been running and running and running it seems. I posted a layout below, hopefully I'll get the chance to unwind a little next week, and then I can update some stuff here. Everyone here is doing good. Ian now has 2 classes left. The last one was a real pain in the butt because we had no internet for about a week (which is part of the reason why there were no new posts from me). It's odd not having access to the net, makes me feel disconnected from the rest of the world, lol. Don't want that to happen again. Any way Ian's last class was only a 2 week class...and one week of it he had no net, soooooo you can imagine how that went. I'm sure he did ok, but it'll suck if this one class brings down his average. He's excited that the end is near! I, of course, am so proud of him I could burst. I am well and truly blessed. He's just the best.
That's a picture from our picnic at Brookfield Zoo. The whole trip was a surprise. It was wonderful to spend the day with boh of my guys.
More to come soon!
A day out with my boys

A picture of me, by myself? Now that's a rare find, lol. I'm trying to remember to makes sure I find my way into the viewfinder of my camera, it doesn't happen often because I'm usually behind it and I'm a little camera shy. This was taken this past Friday on an impromptu outing with both of my men.Journaling reads- How sweet it is to be ME! This picture was taken on a day that my darling husband decided at the spur of the moment to skip sleeping so he could spend the day with Aidan and I. We spent a lovely afternoon at Brookfield Zoo. We even had a picnic (which Aidan has been wanting to do FOREVER) It's been hard adjusting to Ian working these 12 hour shifts, him needing to sleep all day to get up for work, and not getting to spend time with him. This day was the sweetest surprise! A whole day with both of my men...I started out with a template (gift template 2) by Kim Broedelet (KimB designs)Almost everything is from LaWanna DesJardin's Chocolate Covered Cherries kit, except for the white paper which is from her Fathers and Sons kit.The fonts used are MS Serif and Jester
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