Sunday, May 20, 2007


it's been a long time since I blogged! been a bit busy. just got off of a 5 days in a row stint at work. and boy am I pooped! This is so not what I signed up for, lol. And to top it all off I've been a bit crabby the last few days. Tired and crabby make for a not enjoyable to be around mama in this house. But I'm feeling a bit better. Should be totally back to normal in a day or so. nothing out of the ordinary, this is normal for me. :)
Thrilled to have worked out the details of our next trip hom. Can hardly wait!!!!
I just want to pop in for a sec and let ya'll know I hadn't fallen off the face of the earth. Have a really light work week this week so I will hopefully be able to get a page of two done and lots of stuff around the house. Here's to hoping anyway!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking in Fe. Glad to see that you are all right!