Sunday, June 24, 2007

Aidan's 1st Xmas LO

This is a picture of Aidan and Daddy taken Xmas of 2002. Aidan was just 16 days old. He's wearing an outfit that was daddy's when he was a baby, he looked like a peppermint! He was just too sweet!

This is another picture that I had to do some work on to get it to look decent, it was taken with the old camera which was going bad!

LO credits: I started out with a template by Misty Cato (it's from a challenge awhile back at sbElements, I just now got around to using it :) ). The papers and embellies are all by LaWanna DesJardin, they're from her Sons and Fathers Kit

and her Sons and Fathers Mini Kit which are both available at OScraps.

The font used is CK Holiday Spirit

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