So not too much new going on. I've taken on some extra responsibilities at DDD . I'm now hosting a sketch challenge there (featuring an exclusive sketch by Lissa Ballard- check out the Sketch It! link in the side bar for more of her awesome sketches), hosting the treasure hunt and helping moderate the forums. Speaking of the sketch challenge I'm hosting here's my take on the sketch.
(for LO credits go to anyone of my galleries listed in the sidebar, I'd love to hear your comments there too!)
The 3 lovely ladies in this page are my Ian's mom and her sisters. Fantastic genes there huh?!

I also got accepted to another Creative Team, I'm now on LaWanna DesJardin's team, I can hardly wait to get started on that! For you digi-scrappers out there she sells at OScraps and Scrapbook-bytes.
On the home front, nothing much is new, we're into hot weather now, it's been upper 80's to lower 90's the last couple of days. And it's been super windy!
We've got bunnies in the yard too (it's either more then one, or as Ian says "it's one really quick one!" He's not sure, LOL.)
My little guy is getting big, is totally potty trained, even over night! Dresses him self (and quickly, LOL) And has been going through a stage of wanting to wear a straw cowboy hat all the time, he's too funny. I'll have to upload a picture this weekend of him dressed as "Cowboy Aidan" (that's what he calls himself) I think he looks like Huck Finn.
og and we're counting down the days until vacation! NJ here we come!!!
I'm off to bed, because it is WAY past my bedtime! toodles!
I was wondering where you'd gone too! I check everyday chica!
I love this layout girl!!! Fabulous job.
Been missing you girl!
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