Monday, October 22, 2007

I've been double tagged

by Meghan and Lissa
Here's the deal:
7 Random Facts I must post.So read them, comment on them & then check to see if your name is in the 7 I tag. If it is, list 7 Random Facts about yourself & pass on the tag to 7 people.

1.I just ate pancakes and eggs for dinner (you asked for random, lol).
2.I love reading, I've got so many books I could use a couple more tall bookshelves. Ian is in the same boat. So is Aidan. We could so totally open the McBride private library, lol.
3.I've read all of my books, multiple times. And I usually finish a book the same day I start it.
4.I have the best in-laws in the world. I get along better with them then I do my own family. :)
5.My youngest brother in law turned 16 yesterday. he was 6 when I met him!!
6.My babay is going to be 5 in a couple of months..AHHH! where does the time go?
and last but not LEAST!
7. Ian just finished his last class TODAY!! As soon as the figure out the grades for that, I'll be the very PROUD wife of a college graduate! It's been a long 4 years. But I'm so proud of him, he's worked so hard.

now I'm supposed to tag 7 people, but I think most everyone I know has already been tagged, and I don't know 7 people to tag. But I'll tag the people I know anyway, and if they've been tagged more then once, as Lissa said, just considered yourself extra loved.



Jodi said...

Congrats to Ian! That is awesome!

Tara O said...

Congrats to Ian!!!!!!

janna said...

congrats to your DH!

Lissa Ballard said...

Yeah Ian!!
What a great accomplishment!!

Meghan said...

Congrats to Ian & I loved learning about you!!