Ok you have to understand that Aidan is quirky. About a great many things. But I digress, we were talking about a hair cut. This little boy seems destined to turn into Shaggy (think the hippie from Scooby Doo). See before picture above. Well he will pitch a fit at the sight of the hair cutting place we usually go to, he hasn't had a bad experience there or anything, he's just weird! I tried to get the boys hair cuts last weekend, because daddy needs one just as bad as Aidan did. Let's just say Aidan threw a fit and wouldn't let daddy get his hair cut either....So I had to go to the post office the other day and in the same shopping center I notice a new place called Cool Cuts for Kids (or something like that). I took him there today, it was GREAT! They had toys to play with (Thomas the train stuff!), Videos to watch and he got to sit in his choice of vehicle, a yellow taxi or a really cool fire truck with a bell on it, you can guess which one he choose! We will definitly be going back there soon! Here is the after picture, you can actually see his face!! YAY!