Sunday, January 08, 2006


I don't know that I've actually made any resolutions in the last few years, but this year I'm going to try, actually we're all going to try. Here are our goals (resolutions sounds a bit intimidating to me) for the year.
1-muck out our house, that sounds bad doesn't it? we have so much we don't need or use, it's time to "fluff off all the excess and find our centers". You can bet we'll be throwing out a lot and probably selling some on eBay-have to try to make something out of all this STUFF.
2-make lists, we seem to get much more done when we do this, I think part of it is because you get a sense of accomplishment in getting to cross things off. It doesn't bother us that the list will never actually be finished, but crossing off and revising just feels like something is getting done. We've already started this, our goal is to cross off one thing a day, even if we add more then that, all that matters is that something gets done.
3-a personal goal for me is to scrap a page for each day of the year, I'm already behind on this but I'll catch up quickly once we're back in the swing of things. I feel this is an Important goal, it gets our memories down on paper, and it gives me a creative outlet that I think I'm starting to improve at.
4-look for another job for both of us but definitly me, before we go onto 12 hour shifts. Look for jobs for both of us 800 miles from here (big dream-but we can eventually do it)
5-last but not least try to eat better..which in turn hopefully will shed some pounds off of both of us. Hopefully straightening up and getting a sense of order throughout the house will make it easier to find the time to make home cooked meals instead of so much processed food.

Well those are our goals for the year...wish us luck.

I also have a new gallery for my scrapbooking online at click here to see my gallery. Hopefully I'll have some new things going up soon.

1 comment:

@wesome@bby said...

They sound like very do-able goals to me. I have to make lists these days, or i forget what i'm doing. LOL. and, i'm mucking out, too!