Well, here he is! in all of his "I'm a 3 year old glory!" Isn't he just fabulous? He was all dressed and ready to go for his 3 yr check up. And what a good boy he was for that, he was a little nervous at first, didn't even want to step up on the scale, but once he relaxed a little he did great. They checked his eyes (he had to identify little pictures from like 40 ft away?) did fine with that, then he let the nurse take hi BP, and was really good for that just held out his little arm and watched he like a hawk. Which by the way is what he was doing to everybody, he was watching us all! probably waiting to see if someone was gonna jab him with a needle. (he's his mama's boy). He's 37 and 1/4 inches tall and like 37 lbs (I think , I was too busy trying to calm him down enough to stand on the scale to think to write it all down this time.) He was a very HAPPY boy when he realized that "hey I'm not getting a shot this time AND I still get a lollipop and sticker! How cool is this". He was hungry when we got done so we had some taco bell for an early lunch and then headed on home. I'm waiting for my boys to come downstairs now so my little man can open up the rest of his gifts, there just wasn't time to do it all yesterday. Will try to post some more pictures later.
1 comment:
i've said it before, and i'll say it again...HOW STINKING CUTE!!!! LOVE the pic and glad you all had a great day! :)
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