update: I'm feeling much better and have an appointment with the dentist on Tuesday to start getting stuff fixed. So glad my face is back to normal. I really and truly was freaking out when my face was SUPER swollen. The pain is mostly gone, and I'm finishing up my antibiotics.
This little picture is just something I was playing around making online, (if you want to try making one go here- http://elouai.com/ ) I wanted to make something that looked like me, but they only had one body style and here it is. But the hair suits me as mine is always flying all over the place.
Ian and Aidan are both doing great. Ian just started his next class last week, and is still maintaining an A average for all his classes. How smart is my guy! I'm just so proud of him. The little guy is a character, if we could just tone down the attitude in the morning we'd be in business, he's a bit like his momma, not a morning person, although I don't take it out on everyone else like he does. It has to be his way or no way in the morning; or so he thinks. He's learning the hard way that he doesn't always get his way. Ah, the trials and tribulations of being 3! We're trying to decide if we should be looking into a preschool for him right now..I mean he'll be 4 in December should he be in preschool now? or is next year soon enough? We really hadn't wanted to put him in preschool in our area, we're hoping to be able to move first. But we don't want for him to be behind in school just because we weren't ready to let him go. His potty training is still touch and go, he's still just being lazy about it I think. He gets so busy playing that he forgets tell anyone that he has to go. I think he'll eventually just get tired of being wet and will start saying something.
That's all for now, hopefully I'll have some new pictures to post soon.
1 comment:
Hey Felica,
Sorry I didn't call or send a card for your B'day but anyway happy birthday.
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