...and here is the page that resulted from this hard won scrap time. This is a page of my dh on the day that he left to start school at NJIT. I know that this is a little hard to see here(it's better if you click on it), but the top left is ian getting settled into his dorm room and the tag to the right of that says"Settling in at NJIT..now first things first...lets get the new computer out of the box! We'll worry about sheets later! Just call me 'the Computer Kid' " The picture in the upper left is Ian and Danny (good grief hard to believe he's a teenage now). Hey Ian ! I wonder if you could still hoist Dan up like that, lol. The picture on the bottom left is Ian of course and there's a title across the top of that on vellum that say "Ian James McBride" . The picture to the right of that is Ian and Kevin, and the tag above that reads "Ian and Kevin the day that Ian left for NJIT. You can tell they were putting on 'Brave Faces' Because they'll miss each other." And the last things on the page are the circles on the bottom right, top to bottom they read "Big Brother", "College Student", and "New Man".
I think that the reason I choose to scrap these tonight and not something else is because my dh was sitting behind me at his own computer doing his homework (which I know can sometimes seem never ending), which got me to thinking that all of desciptions on this page are still true, he's still a college student, no longer NJIT but something bigger and better and something that he ENJOYS! He's still a big brother, a wonderful one in my humble opinion. And last but not least he's always going to continue to make himself into a new man with each chapter of his life. I'm so proud of you Ian! Even with all the crazy stuff going on you're a rock. Work is crazy, I"m crazy :^) , Aidan's crazy (it was inevitable, look who he comes from lol) and you're going to school full time. I would never have guessed I'd marry a juggler, and that's what you must be to juggle all of this and still be the kind, loving, steady man I married (holy cow almost 4 years ago) and the best father in the world to our son. I just wanted to make sure that you realize that I appreciate all that you are and all that you do! I love you Ian! Keep up the great work, if the speed that the last 3 years flew by at is any indication then the next 2 until graduation should be over in no time. XOXOXOXO
This is great! I love the colors.
Mare (ScrapWords)
THis is one of my faves you've done, Fe! :) Great work, and I'm lovin' your blog! I have it bookmarked! :)
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