So here's our team before the walk. Laurie and I had to catch the train at 6:05 in the MORNING!!! on a SUNDAY!!! to be there in time to register. With there being fewer trains on the weekend that was the latest train that would get us there in time to register and walk. So we got downtown a little before 7am (let me mention that I don't usually get up before 7:30..and yet here I was showered, dressed and up and about) and registration started at 8am. So we wandered a bit found a Dunkin Donuts (breakfast of champions, no?) and a Starbucks to get breakfast (Kev it's all your fault for hooking me on the Green Tea Fraps! that's ok I love you anyway...and besides they taste SOOOOO good!). So we wandered back over a little before 8 and were some of the first to register. We sat on the curb at the starting line and ate our breakfast, since the walk didn't start until 9. We walked the 6.2 miles in about 2 hours and 20 minutes. We really hauled booty because we wanted t catch the 12:05 train, other wise we would have had to wait until 2 for the next one. It was fun, it was tiring, but most of all it was for a good cause! Between the 2 of us we beat our team fundraising goal of $400 dollars, we raised $440 (Thanks everyone who donated!!!). On a down note I really did a number on my left foot. The little toe has a HUGE blister and the one next to it has a cut caused by the little toe's nail. so I got a jolt when I got home and took my shoe off, my sock was a bloody mess. I'm sore and achy everywhere, but it's ok, it'll get better. The part that irks me the most is that I forgot to wear sunscreen! the back of my neck, the lower half of my face (I was wearing a hat) and my forearms are crispy.
Good for you Fe. I wish I could have donated, however, things are tough right now.
Glad you enjoyed yourself.
WalkAmerica is now March for Babies!
Dear March of Dimes supporter,
Your help is needed!
You may have heard the news …WalkAmerica is now called March for Babies. Our new name makes it very clear who we’re walking for ― all babies.
Now we need your help in getting the word out. Whether it’s in a blog, an email to friends or by putting this badge on your website … every mention of our new name helps.
Visit our Web site at www.marchforbabies.org/SpreadtheWord for our new logo and other materials to help us spread the word.
While our event name is different, our mission remains the same. March of Dimes is still the champion for babies – raising funds needed for research and programs that make a difference in the lives of babies and their families.
We appreciate your ongoing support. Please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at marchforbabies@marchofdimes.com if you have any questions about our new name or our event.
One day all babies will be born healthy, but we have to walk to get there.
Thank you,
March for Babies Team
March of Dimes Foundation
1275 Mamaroneck Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
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